Dirk Holemans

Author, researcher and coordinator of Oikos think tank


The Tilting City

This publication aims to draw an image of what the city of the future could look like. We show alternatives to the current urban models and how they can be future-proof. This text will serve as a valuable source of information and bring up new thoughts among citizens activist, policymakers and everyone interested in exploring ethical and ecological ways of living in cities in...

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Most recent publication

The Tilting City

This publication aims to draw an image of what the city of the future could look like. We show alternatives to the current urban models and how they can be future-proof. This text will serve as a valuable source of information and bring up new thoughts among citizens...

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Event Information:

  • Sat


    Kunstencentrum 404, Vooruit Gent

    Goed nieuws! Naast de jaarlijkse ECOPOLIS* events in Brussel en Kortrijk, slaat op zaterdag 9 maart ECOPOLIS haar vleugels neer in Gent op uitnodiging van Kunstencentrum 404. Die dag zal de Gentse Vooruit gevuld zijn met talks, documentaires, performances, ... over de toekomst van landbouw en voedsel. De focus ligt op agro-ecologie als visie voor de toekomst én concrete en groeiende praktijk.

    Voor meer info: klik hier

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