In 2021, together with Marie-Monique Franssen and Philsan Osman, I wrote the essay in Dutch ‘ Who do we want to take care of? Ecofeminism as a source of inspirationā€. The reason was of course the corona crisis, which exposed how little we really care for each other and for the nature of which we are part. As an alternative to the current extractive predatory economy on people and planet, we propose the contours of a society and economy based on a holistic ethic of care. The essay quickly found its way to a wide audience, and there is now a second edition.

Perhaps even more gratifying was the interest from abroad. At the initiative of the Green European Foundation, the English version Dare to Care soon followed. But interest also grew in Austria and Poland, so that a translation was also made into German and Polish. Last but not least, there is now also a translation in Turkish. Each time in combination with webinars with thinkers and doers from those countries.

Read the essay yourself? You can still order it in Dutch at, the other language versions can be found via the website of theĀ Green European Foundation. You can also request a paper version of the English edition by sending an email to